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SeCo - Seculine Connector

SeCo is the solution U IT developped to simplify and strengthen the Seculine solution set by the Luxembourg social security (CCSS) in place since 2008

SeCo - Seculine Connector


SeCo WEB is the newest version of SeCo, released during 3rd quarter 2021.

For users SeCo is a WEB application used to verify and monitor the file exchanges with the CCSS. They do not have (anymore) to care about sending or receiving the Seculine files. Any member of the management can also have access to SeCo to monitor the activities.

For the IT, SeCo WEB is a server-client type application using web services, it's fully administered and operated internally. SeCo uses certificate (https) for user's authentication and operate 100% "offline" (no external/internet access).

On top of automating SOFiE, SeCo WEB also includes :

  • A secured user authentication (https)
  • A search panel allowing to list all the transfers activities, open files, logs
  • Email alert on SOFiE error/success
  • Allow users to manually force sending, reception or SOFiE update.
  • A "Seculine knowledge" panel with direct links to documentation provided by the CCSS
  • A support panel with test functions, system information & UIT details