SeCo - Seculine Connector
SeCo is the solution U IT developped to simplify and strengthen the Seculine solution set by the Luxembourg social security (CCSS) in place since 2008
SeCo - Seculine Connector
- 2023-08 - Seco WEB v1.0.7 - Bug fix only
- 2023-04 - Seco WEB v1.0.6 - Intregration of new U IT common library + minor bug fix
- 2022-07 - Seco WEB v1.0.5 - Bug fix PDF read/opening from mail client
- 2022-06 - Seco WEB v1.0.4 - Bug fix + minor updates & enhancements
- 2022-01 - Seco WEB v1.0.3 - Update DB and meta logs (SADB/SECODB) + minor updates
- 2021-12 - Seco WEB v1.0.2 - Strenghten solution, add monitor script of SeCo Service
- 2021-11 - Seco WEB v1.0.1 - Minor update, regional date format issue
- 2021-10 - Update website and add SeCo to the Products section
- 2021-10 - Minor update of SeCo Desktop (v1.0.0 to v1.0.1)
- 2021-10 - Seco WEB v1.0.0 - First release
- 2021-07 - Launch an alpha release of SeCo WEB + start pilot testing
- 2021-05 - Release v1.0 of SeCo Desktop
- 2020-11 - Rename SeCo To SeCo Desktop + start the development of SeCo WEB
- 2020-11 - Launch an alpha release - Rename to the tool "SeCo" (Seculine Connector)
- 2020-02 - Starting pilot testings with selected customers
- 2019-11 - First beta version of Seculine Connector released