CEDRS stands for Central Electronic Data Retrieval System. Announced early 2020, this new reporting obligation mainly target banks. U IT provides a solution with many key advantages.
Batched solution which converts raw data to the expected JSON format. We use the best of our knowledge & experience in automation to provide with a strong, adaptable & configurabe application.
New Secure Channel based on tight and high level secured transmission technics. Requires strong development skills and knowledge in the field - U IT target to offer the best solution on the market.
CEDRS - Timeline
- 2022-09 - RGen v1.2.3 - CSSF Update: Add 'inactive' type field, optional fields + other minor changes.
- 2022-09 - SAPI v1.2.1 - CSSF Update: Add new scheduling options to reflect new CSSF guidelines.
- 2021-05 - RGen v1.2.2 - Improve controls, add certificate checks, correct a sending bug case
- 2021-04 - RGen v1.2.1 - Optimisation: significantly improves the time taken to generate a report
- 2022-02 - SAPI v1.2.0 / RGen v1.2.0 - Add extra information in configuration interface, various optimisations
- 2021-08 - RGen v1.1.0 - Update report's generation (CSSF change, change in field format)
- 2021-06 - RGen v1.0.9 - Add further controls to report's generation + minor fixes
- 2021-05 - RGen updates v1.0.7 - Improve scheduling & json validation, add new configuration fields & allow additional special characters in some fields
- 2021-03 - SAPI v1.0.3 / RGen v1.0.3 - Licence date format fix, minor updates
- 2021-02 - RGen fix v1.0.2 - Add "Warning" type automatic notification email + new authorized characters in validator
- 2021-02 - SAPI fix v1.0.2 - Add automatic notification to CSSF after 3 feedback download (failed) attemps
- 2021-02 - SAPI v1.0.1 / RGen v1.0.1 - Minor bug fixes
- 2021-02 - - - > From this stage new entries will be listed by year + month
- 2021-02-08 - First production rollout
- 2021-01-28 - Start setup of Production environments for all customers
- 2021-01-19 - Packaging SAPI v1.0 & RGen v1.0
- 2021-01-11 - U IT CEDRS solution is ready for Production
- 2020-01-07 - Second test phase: Send (success), Reception (success)
- 2020-01-06 - Update of RGen (PGP encryption/decryption)
- 2020-12-18 - Start tests: Sending (success), Reception (failed)
- 2020-12-17 - End of Enrolment reset process
- 2020-12-17 - End of Enrolment process
- 2020-12-11 - Webex meeting with CSSF to clarify some points
- 2020-12-07 - Update RGen with the new validator from CSSF
- 2020-11-10 - Update of procedure of PGP keys generation
- 2020-10-03 - SAPI v0.2a - Enrolment reset test functionnal
- 2020-10-02 - SAPI v0.2 - Enrolment test functionnal
- 2020-10-01 - CSSF opened the Test environment
- 2020-09-18 - Annoucement: RGen will include an "anonymize" function to allow the use of (anonymized) prod data for the test period of October
- 2020-09-17 - SAPI v0.1 - By simulating CSSF API, we successfully performed a first secured handshake based on CSSF guidelines
- 2020-09-16 - RGen v0.3 - Added PGP report encryption and PGP key management
- 2020-09-16 - U IT will offer 6 months of SLA support during extended business hours to all its customers
- 2020-09-14 - RGen v0.2 - CSV template updated - Generating first test reports (json)
- 2020-09-13 - New U IT website - CEDRS pages updated accordingly, adding more visibility
- 2020-09-08 - Update of Project CEDRS Presentation to v1.3 (PDF)
- 2020-09-10 - CSSF started to provide the access to its MFT portal
- 2020-09-08 - Update of Project CEDRS Presentation to v1.2 and CEDRS Survey to v1.1 (PDF)
- 2020-09-07 - Update of CSSF 20/747 Circular, now also available in english. Links : French - English (PDF)
- 2020-09-04 - RGen v0.1 - Ready to provide early version to beta-testers
- 2020-09-04 - RGen - Set version : v0.1
- 2020-09-04 - RGen - Generate first JSON based on CSV
- 2020-09-04 - RGen - Terminate a first version of a raw CSV template format
- 2020-09-01 - RGen - First raw entry format drawn
- 2020-09-01 - RGen - First JSON report generated
- 2020-08-27 - SAPI - Development environment ready - wait for further documentation
- 2020-08-27 - RGen - First version compiled
- 2020-08-23 - Finalisation of general workflow scheme (PDF)
- 2020-08-20 - Finalisation of first enrolment + enrolment update schemes (PDF)
- 2020-08-18 - Creation of first workflow schemes
- 2020-08-11 - First version of project documents released
- 2020-08-xx - Early August - Decision to engage into the development of a solution
- 2020-08-xx - Early August - Analyse + internal & external discussion regarding the subject
- 2020-07-23 - Release of CSSF 20/747 Circular - Technical arrangements relative to the Law of 25 March
- 2020-05-04 - Release of CSSF 20/742 Circular - Entry into force of the Law of 25 March
- 2020-03-25 - Law of 25 March released