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SOFiE ToolBox

Automated / BATCH
- SOFiE ToolBox Automated tools

These tools enhance the automated environment, performing daily tasks which relieve the people in charge of the legal reports, or, for the IT, perform a constant monitoring of the processes and send warning email when errors.

Automated / BATCH

Interactive / GUI
- SOFiE ToolBox Interactive tools

Two dedicated & interactive tools which are used by users but also the IT : Informer as a realtime monitor of the daily activity, Digger as a search tools among all the reports sent or feedbacks received.

Interactive / GUI

Both modes
- SOFiE ToolBox Dual mode tools

Actually one tool, the Preparer, can be used interactively or configured in automated mode. It's a pre-treatment tool (prior sending) which adds a couple of useful functions which can be selected individually.

Both modes

SOFiE ToolBox
Automated / BATCH

STB - Dispatcher

The Dispatcher is a simple and highly configurable tool. It takes care about the feedback reports (FBR/FDB/FBX/FBH/TRMID) received from the regulators, analyses and moves them in the right directory for the right department or user, depending on their nature.
The Dispatcher is fully configurable: you can sort all of the FBR reports by type in one single main directory, or decide to sort and dispatch any FBR to any department which sent the original report.

Features of the Dispatcher:

  • Move the right FBR to the right location (department/user)
  • Allow "full dispatch" which sorts all FBR by report-type
  • Compatible with multi reporting entities and multi SOFiE Sort account installations
  • (2018 - MIFID new procedures) Rename with ".zip" and classify them
  • (2020 - Major update) Review dispatching options allowing more customisations, adding extra options
  • (2021 - BCL) Update following the new FDBTECH feedbacks from BCL + minor corrections
  • (2022 - BCL) Update to add the correct dispatch of the new FDBBUSI feedbacks from BCL

New features for future releases:

  • Backup all received FBRs in single weekly or monthly archive
  • Send automatic email when specific feedbacks are received
  • Send automatic email when specific information is some feedbacks are received
  • Execute a specific action when specific feedbacks/information are received
  • Propose more dispatching options based on customer's feedbacks

Status (January 2023) :
Tool is up-to-date and well sort and classify all the various type of feedbacks which can be received from BLC or CSSF, including the special CSSF Procedures