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SOFiE ToolBox

Automated / BATCH
- SOFiE ToolBox Automated tools

These tools enhance the automated environment, performing daily tasks which relieve the people in charge of the legal reports, or, for the IT, perform a constant monitoring of the processes and send warning email when errors.

Automated / BATCH

Interactive / GUI
- SOFiE ToolBox Interactive tools

Two dedicated & interactive tools which are used by users but also the IT : Informer as a realtime monitor of the daily activity, Digger as a search tools among all the reports sent or feedbacks received.

Interactive / GUI

Both modes
- SOFiE ToolBox Dual mode tools

Actually one tool, the Preparer, can be used interactively or configured in automated mode. It's a pre-treatment tool (prior sending) which adds a couple of useful functions which can be selected individually.

Both modes

SOFiE ToolBox
Automated / BATCH

STB - Reporter

The Reporter tool reconciles, on a daily basis, all the sent reports with the feedback reports (FBR/FDB/FBX/FBH) sent by the regulators. It generates, updates and stores a clear reconcilied report of all the activity of your Legal Reporting platform. A yearly calendar is updated from day to day with all the reports.
The 2 main interests of the Reporter is to simplify the verification of the feedbacks for the users, helping them to save daily time, and to store concrete and clear reconciled reports for management or audit

Features and/or advantages of the Reporter:

  • Automate the verification of sent/received reports by generating a daily reconciliation report page
  • Ensure and keep trace of the good delivery of all reports (technical reconciliation)
  • Reports can be generated in html or pdf formats
  • Provide with a yearly calendar (html) to access all the reports in 1 clic
  • Compatible with multi reporting entities and multi SOFiE Sort account installations
  • (2018 - MIFID procedures) Perform business reconciliation of MIFiD reports
  • (2018 - Portability) Calendar and reports in HTML are portable (can be easily archived & viewed)
  • (2019 - Major update) Use of a new reconciliation DB (RLRDB), new report's format and options
  • (2021 - BCL) Update the reconciliation for the new FDBTECH feedbacks from BCL + minor corrections

New features for future releases:

  • Grant weekly and monthly reconciliation report generation
  • Allow the generation of custom reports based on different criterias
  • Parse more business feedbacks (COFFBX, DOCFDB, AIFFBH, ...) to provide with relevant information

Status (January 2023) :
The tool is stable and can reconcile all the actual reports to be sent to the CSSF or BCL. Added a supplement of business information regarding the status of MiFID report's transactions (Accepted/Rejected/Pending). Check a sample report generated by the Reporter (it contains many different types of reports with different scenarios and errors).