LRCP Server

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SOFiE ToolBox

Automated / BATCH
- SOFiE ToolBox Automated tools

These tools enhance the automated environment, performing daily tasks which relieve the people in charge of the legal reports, or, for the IT, perform a constant monitoring of the processes and send warning email when errors.

Automated / BATCH

Interactive / GUI
- SOFiE ToolBox Interactive tools

Two dedicated & interactive tools which are used by users but also the IT : Informer as a realtime monitor of the daily activity, Digger as a search tools among all the reports sent or feedbacks received.

Interactive / GUI

Both modes
- SOFiE ToolBox Dual mode tools

Actually one tool, the Preparer, can be used interactively or configured in automated mode. It's a pre-treatment tool (prior sending) which adds a couple of useful functions which can be selected individually.

Both modes

SOFiE ToolBox
Automated / BATCH

STB - Keeper

The Keeper is there to verify the good operating of a SOFiE Sort batch environment. It continuously verifies the SOFiE logs & activity and warns in case of problem.
The Keeper also generates and maintains a concise DB of all the SOFiE activity, this DB is used by other interactive STB tools (Informer / Digger) to grant to users a realtime view on the daily activity.

Features of the Keeper:

  • Monitor the SOFiE activity
  • Send a mail in case of error or perform any custom action (adaptable)
  • Optionnally attach any error log to emails (to fast forward them to U IT)
  • Move any SOFiE dedicated error log to a specific location
  • Compatible with multi reporting entities and multi SOFiE Sort account installations
  • (2018 - Update) Build and maintain a dedicated DB of all the SOFiE activity (SADB)
  • (2019 - Major update) Build and maintain a dedicated reconciliation DB for Reporter (RLRDB)
  • (2020/2022 - Updates) Various updates mainly on RLRDB (CSSF procedures/ new BCL feedbacks)

New features for future releases:

  • Perform integrity check of SOFiE on a daily and intraday basis
  • Warns by mail when the certificate(s) is soon to expire
  • Archiving and logs clean-up
  • Error interpreter: solve common encryption or sending SOFiE issues

Status (January 2023) :
The Keeper is the central tool on which 3 other tools rely on : Reporter, Informer and Digger. The Keeper is continuously updated upon any change in the flux of the reports.